Monday, May 3, 2021

Blog Post #12 Citizen Journalism

 A term I found interesting was the term Citizen Journalism from Group 2's project based on the idea of Mediasphere.

Citizen Journalism is an opportunity for individuals to share their opinions and perspectives. This type of journalism is defined as "the collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of internet.

Citizen Journalism was first conducted in South Korea, where the online entrepreneur, Oh Yeon-ho, stated in 2000 that “every citizen is a reporter.” Oh and three South Korean colleagues started an online daily newspaper in 2000 because they were dissatisfied with the traditional South Korean press.

 Citizen Journalism has intrigued me because I am currently studying to become a journalist. Citizen Journalism is news that is conducted by non qualified journalists. This is seen a lot more often now, because of Social Media. With the platforms in front of us today, there are more opportunities for individuals to share information with the world. Websites, blogs, and social media platforms are all ways for people to share their news with the world.

    There is a big debate on whether or not citizen journalism is a reliable source of information. We saw the most form of citizen journalism during the 2009 presidential election on Twitter. Users were spreading information rapidly without any type of qualification. There has been a rapid increase in fake news due to Citizen Journalism.

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