Monday, April 5, 2021

Blog Post #2 The Supreme Court

     I didn't know much about the Supreme Court before reading, SCOTUS History from The History Channel and watching the videos on the Supreme Court. Before reading about the Supreme Court I only really knew the basics. How it functioned and that it was a major part of our government. I always knew it was a powerful judicial body; however, it is the most powerful judicial body in the world. The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices and is in charge of checking the other branches within the government, Legislative and Executive. The Supreme Court was established due to Article Three of the US Constitution in 1789. The Court was first assembles in 1790 during George Washington's presidency.

The Supreme Court did not hear any cases during its first term and they focused on the organization procedures. They did not even become truly functional until 1935. The Supreme Court has also altered the number of seats six times until 1896 when they set it to have 9 seats. There has been 115 different justices as of 2021. This goes to show how the Supreme Court has changed over time and will continue to change.

    Every year thousands of cases are brought to the Supreme Court; however, it is a very selective process and only 100 are chosen each year to be brought to trial. Some of the most notable cases include, Marbury v. Madison, Brown v. Board of Education, and Plessy v. Ferguson. “Their legitimacy is in the constitution but their power rests on public faith in their independence and impartiality." This was said by the narrator of the video and it is a great line to take away from how the Supreme Court functions.

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